Solving Concerns

Hover over any concerning area to find out how InjectAbility® could solve those concerns.

Under Eye Bag
As the skin structure weakens with time, the eyes tend to show aging the most. Sometimes age shows up as wrinkles, and sometimes age will show up as 'puffiness', or even 'sunkeness under the eyes. Either way, clinicians just need some creativity and innovation to minimize the appearance of aging eyes. When carefully placed, a naturally occurring hyaluronic acid, such as Volbella®, Voluma® or Restylane® can be placed adjacent to the bag into the hollow area,  or trough, to ease the transition between the elevation of the bag, and the depression of the hollow. Occasionally, we will combine a little Botox® in the area to smooth the skin. This treatment makes an incredible difference and benefits you with a healthy and well-rested appearance. Prices vary from patient to patient, but the approximate cost is $1,800.00 and that covers what we call “tear troughs” and “tear trough support". This favorite treatment at our IniectAbility® Clinic can last from 15 months up to two years, depending on the patient.
Lid Laxity
Coupled with skin laxity and a loss of bone prominence around the eyes, we often see the skin ‘hang around’ the eyes leaving a sad, tired, drawn down look. We use a multiple modality approach with this problem, combining a muscle relaxer like Botox® to elevate the brows and dermal fillers to recreate the bone that has been lost. Prices vary from patient to patient. This combination approach can last up to 12 months.
Forehead Wrinkles
The best approach for any upper face wrinkle of motion, like forehead wrinkles, is a Neuromodulator, or muscle relaxants such as Botox® or Dysport®. These muscle relaxants help soften the facial expressions that create the wrinkles. Depending on your age, Botox® can either prevent wrinkles from forming or help them from getting worse. The cost varies from patient to patient, but you can typically expect to spend anywhere from $100-200 in this area. Results last approximately three to four months.
Droopy Tip of Nose
As we age, the tip of the nose starts to descend, especially when we smile. The muscle under the nose gets stronger and stronger, and is tugging more and more at the nose, causing it to curl downward. We choose the safest modality for treatment in this area, and that would be neuromodulators such as Botox® in this area to creatively diminish the descent of the nose. Prices vary from patient to patient, but the approximate cost is $200.00. This approach is much safer than using dermal fillers in the area and lasts around 4 months.
Lip Wrinkles
Even if you have never been a smoker, wrinkles above your mouth can appear over time. These dreaded vertical lip lines can be caused by sipping out of a straw, whistling, kissing, or even talking; in any case, they are easy to form, and even easier to erase. Using a combination approach of Botox® and Volbella®, or even SkinVive™, those vertical lip wrinkles can be effectively eradicated in no time! The prices vary from patient to patient, but the approximate cost for Botox would be $120 and the other options between is $600 and $750.
Thinning Lips
As we age, the volume in our lips tends to get smaller and smaller. Some men and women just want the lips they used to have. Other have never had any lips, and want some just to balance out their face. Any type of lip can be volumized modestly to appear very natural. In fact, there are a lot of people walking around that have had lip injections that are beautifully undetectable. It’s the overdone “trout pout” lips that we tend to notice the most, and perhaps deter us from wanting lip injections. At the InjectAbility® Clinic we strive to accommodate your own personal aesthetic design. Let us work with your goals of lip enhancement. The prices vary from patient to patient, but an approximate cost is $600.00. JUVÉDERM® or Restylane® can last up to one year in this area.
Bunny Lines
Really cute on bunnies, kind of cute on kids, not so cute on mature women. "Bunny lines", or “wolf lines” as shown here are lines that form as a result of many different muscles coming together to create a "scrunching" on the nose. Over time, those lines become etched in permanently and are nearly impossible to treat; so we recommend Botox® prevention before this happens. There is an easy fix, however with just a few units of Botox®. The cost varies from patient to patient but an approximate cost is $150.00. The results of the Botox® in this area generally last 3-4 months.
Flattened Brows
As we age, we lose bone prominence around the eyes. Without that support holding up the tissue, the brows tend to descend downward, leaving a sad, tired look around the brows. We use a multiple modality approach with this problem, combining a neuromodulator like Botox® to relax the brow depressors and dermal fillers to support the tissue around the temples and recreate the volume to the area as well as  the bone that has been lost around the orbital rim. The cost will vary from patient to patient, but this combination approach can last up to 12 months.
Temporal Hollows
These areas of indentation usually start to make their appearance around the 4th or 5th decade. As you run your fingers down the forehead toward the cheek, you might feel an indentation. This area is referred to as the "temporal hollow". It can give a more aging appearance representing an unhealthy, skeletal frame. This can be easily addressed by placing dermal fillers such Sculptra® or Voluma® along with Plasma Rich Protein (PRP) in the areas of hollowness. Not only can it fill in the hollows, but by filling, it has a secondary benefit of lifting up the laxity of the brows and lids.

This area of the face is generally immobile; so the product placed there tends to last longer, sometimes up to several years making it a great investment. Cost for this area ranges but anywhere from $850-$2,000 can be expected.
Oral Commissures
Oral commissures are a result of descending skin, which can lapse over to create a fold. Once the folds go all the way down to the jaw line, they are then referred to as marionette lines or ‘puppet lines’. Leslie Fletcher’s patented ArqueDerma® technique of injecting FDA approved dermal fillers is the only solution for this problem. Using strategic, artistic strokes, ArqueDerma® practitioners are able to redistribute the volume that has slipped forward and put it back into the mid-face where it belongs. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods. Also ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of the dermal filler product such as JUVÉDERM® by 40%. The price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs. See for more details.
Flattened Cheeks
Even the fat pads in our face change as we age. When the cheek fat pad starts to separate into two, the lower half falls forward creating a line of separation on the cheek. The cheeks look flatter, and less prominent. Leslie Fletcher’s patented ArqueDerma® technique of injecting FDA approved dermal fillers, is the only solution for this problem. Using strategic, artistic strokes, ArqueDerma® practitioners are able to redistribute the volume that has slipped forward and put it back into the mid-face where it belongs. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods. Also ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of the dermal filler product such as JUVÉDERM® by 40%. Price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs. See for more details.
Thumb Print
This area of hollow in the lower chin reveals itself usually within the third or fourth decade. It shows up as a shadow and then evolves into a hollow. By the time the hollow appears there is usually a jowl nearby. While using the patented ArqueDerma technique, your clinician can utilize your own neighboring volume (like the jowl) to fill in the area of hollow on the sides of your chin. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods. Also, ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of dermal filler products such as JUVÉDERM® or Voluma® by 40%. The price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs but generally, 1-2 ml of filler is needed.
Neck Laxity
The skin on the neck area tends to age quicker, because not only is it thinner, like the skin around the eye, but also we rarely take care of our neck when we are younger. Treatment for this consists of neuromodulator use such as Botox® or Dysport®, as well as medical grade skin care such as ZO® Skin Health, and our trademarked treatment, the PRPcocktail® which can offer a longer duration of tightening and a  "lift".
As the skin loses its underlying support of bone, and fat, it continues to slide down until it reaches its final resting point on the jaw, becoming known as the infamous 'jowls'. The ArqueDerma® technique of injecting FDA-approved dermal fillers is the only non-surgical solution for this age-old problem. Using Leslie's patented artistic vectors, your practitioner can redistribute the volume that has descended and put it back up into the mid-face, or the medial chin the area where it originated. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods. Also, ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of dermal filler products such as Juvederm® by 40%. The price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs.
Nose to Mouth Folds
Even the fat pads in our face change as we age. When the cheek fat pad starts to separate into two, the lower half falls forward creating a line of separation on the cheek. The cheeks look flatter, and less prominent. Leslie Fletcher’s patented ArqueDerma® technique of injecting FDA approved dermal fillers is the only solution for this problem. Using strategic, artistic strokes, ArqueDerma® practitioners are able to redistribute the volume that has slipped forward and put it back into the mid-face where it belongs. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods. Also ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of the dermal filler product such as JUVÉDERM® by 40%. The price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs. See for more details.
Crow’s Feet
Named for the splayed-out feet of a crow, these wrinkles form as a result of squinting or smiling. By treating these wrinkles with a muscle relaxant such as Dysport® or Botox®, the appearance of these wrinkles becomes less noticeable, yet you will still be able to smile. We most often combine traditional injection techniques along with our trademarked MicroTox® technique to lift the lids, chase the crow’s all the way down the cheek, open up the eye, and smoothen the crepey under the eye skin.
Sun Spots
Affectionately known as ‘freckles’ when we were young, now these are lovingly renamed as ‘sunspots’, or ‘sun damage’ in our later years. These spots only serve as a distraction on the face, a reminder that we have lived under the sun’s reign awhile, and perhaps we weren’t so attentive at taking care of our face when we were younger. Thankfully, there is help for this too. ZO Skin Health is a medical, corrective skin care line that will erase those nasty spots, and replace them with glowing, reflective skin. Within 6-9 weeks on the system you will be able to see a remarkable difference.
Temporal Hollow
These areas of indentation usually start to make their appearance around the 4th or 5th decade. As you run your fingers down the forehead toward the cheek, you might feel an indentation. This area is referred to as the "temporal hollow". It can give a more aging appearance representing an unhealthy, skeletal frame. This can be easily addressed by placing dermal fillers such Sculptra® or Voluma® along with Plasma Rich Protein (PRP) in the areas of hollowness. Not only can it fill in the hollows, but by filling, it has a secondary benefit of lifting up the laxity of the brows and lids. This area of the face is generally immobile; so the product placed there tends to last longer, sometimes up to several years making it a great investment. Cost for this area ranges but anywhere from $850-$2,000 can be expected.
Cheek Hollows
When the cheek fat pad starts to separate into two, the lower half falls forward creating a line of separation on the cheek. The cheeks look flatter, and less prominent. Leslie Fletcher’s patented ArqueDerma® technique of injecting FDA approved dermal fillers, is the only solution for this problem. Using strategic, artistic strokes, ArqueDerma® practitioners are able to redistribute the volume that has slipped forward and put it back into the mid-face where it belongs. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods.Also ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of the dermal filler product such as JUVEDERM® by 40%. Price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs. See for more details.
Under Eye Hollows
As the skin structure weakens with time, the eyes tend to show aging the most. Sometimes age shows up as wrinkles, and sometimes age will show up as 'puffiness', or even 'sunkenness" under the eyes. Either way, clinicians just need some creativity and innovation to minimize the appearance of aging eyes. When carefully placed, a naturally occurring hyaluronic acid, such as Volbella®, Voluma®, or Restylane® can be placed adjacent to the bag, into the hollow or ‘trough' to ease the transition between the elevation of the bag, and the depression of the hollow. Occasionally, we will combine a little Botox in the area to soften the skin. This treatment makes an incredible difference and benefits you with a healthy and well-rested appearance. Prices vary from patient to patient, but the approximate cost is $1800 which includes both the ’tear troughs’ and the 'tear trough support’  This favorite treatment at our InjectAbility® Clinic can last from 12 months up to 24 months, depending on the patient.
Under Eye Bags

As the skin structure weakens with time, the eyes tend to show aging the most. Sometimes age shows up as wrinkles, and sometimes age will show up as 'puffiness', or even 'sunkeness under the eyes. Either way, clinicians just need some creativity and innovation to minimize the appearance of aging eyes. When carefully placed, a naturally occurring hyaluronic acid, such as Volbella®, Voluma® or Restylane® can be placed adjacent to the bag into the hollow area,  or trough, to ease the transition between the elevation of the bag, and the depression of the hollow. Occasionally, we will combine a little Botox® in the area to smooth the skin. This treatment makes an incredible difference and benefits you with a healthy and well-rested appearance. Prices vary from patient to patient, but the approximate cost is $1,800.00 and that covers what we call “tear troughs” and “tear trough support". This favorite treatment at our IniectAbility® Clinic can last from 15 months up to two years, depending on the patient.

Droopy Tip of Nose

As we age, the tip of the nose starts to descend, especially when we smile. The muscle under the nose gets stronger and stronger, and is tugging more and more at the nose, causing it to curl downward. We choose the safest modality for treatment in this area, and that would be neuromodulators such as Botox® in this area to creatively diminish the descent of the nose. Prices vary from patient to patient, but the approximate cost is $200.00. This approach is much safer than using dermal fillers in the area and lasts around 4 months.

Marionette Lines

Marionette lines are a result of descending skin, which can lapse over to create a fold. Once the folds go all the way down to the jaw line, they are then referred to as marionette lines or ‘puppet lines’. Leslie Fletcher’s patented ArqueDerma® technique of injecting FDA approved dermal fillers is the only solution for this problem. Using strategic, artistic strokes, ArqueDerma® practitioners are able to redistribute the volume that has slipped forward and put it back into the mid-face where it belongs. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods. Also ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of the dermal filler product such as JUVÉDERM® by 40%. The price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs. See for more details.

Oral Commissures

Oral commissures are a result of descending skin, which can lapse over to create a fold. Once the folds go all the way down to the jaw line, they are then referred to as marionette lines or ‘puppet lines’. Leslie Fletcher’s patented ArqueDerma® technique of injecting FDA approved dermal fillers is the only solution for this problem. Using strategic, artistic strokes, ArqueDerma® practitioners are able to redistribute the volume that has slipped forward and put it back into the mid-face where it belongs. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods. Also ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of the dermal filler product such as JUVÉDERM® by 40%. The price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs. See for more details.

Thinning Lips

As we age, the volume in our lips tends to get smaller and smaller. Some men and women just want the lips they used to have. Other have never had any lips, and want some just to balance out their face. Any type of lip can be volumized modestly to appear very natural. In fact, there are a lot of people walking around that have had lip injections that are beautifully undetectable. It’s the overdone “trout pout” lips that we tend to notice the most, and perhaps deter us from wanting lip injections. At the InjectAbility® Clinic we strive to accommodate your own personal aesthetic design. Let us work with your goals of lip enhancement. The prices vary from patient to patient, but an approximate cost is $600.00. JUVÉDERM® or Restylane® can last up to one year in this area.

Lip Wrinkles

Even if you have never been a smoker, wrinkles above your mouth can appear over time. These dreaded vertical lip lines can be caused by sipping out of a straw, whistling, kissing, or even talking; in any case, they are easy to form, and even easier to erase. Using a combination approach of Botox® and Volbella®, or even SkinVive™, those vertical lip wrinkles can be effectively eradicated in no time! The prices vary from patient to patient, but the approximate cost for Botox would be $120 and the other options between is $600 and $750.

Volbella® can last up to one year in this area, and Botox® usually needs to be repeated every 3 months.

Thumb Print

This area of hollow in the lower chin reveals itself usually within the third or fourth decade. It shows up as a shadow and then evolves into a hollow. By the time the hollow appears there is usually a jowl nearby. While using the patented ArqueDerma technique, your clinician can utilize your own neighboring volume (like the jowl) to fill in the area of hollow on the sides of your chin. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods. Also, ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of dermal filler products such as JUVÉDERM® or Voluma® by 40%. The price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs but generally, 1-2 ml of filler is needed.

Pebbly Chin

The pebbly chin is a result of an overactive muscle that lies right under the skin covering our chin. After years of active use, the muscle breaks down so much collagen in the skin, and what remains is an 'orange peel' type appearance. Correction for this problem could include a muscle relaxer such as Botox® or a combination approach of Botox®, Voluma®, SkinVive™, or PRP, as well as topical prescription skin care. Prices vary from patient to patient, depending on what modality of treatment is utilized. We love to encourage treating this area early, so as to avoid permanent creasing, but if permanent creasing appears, we still can treat the symptoms, it may just take multiple modalities.

Witchy Chin

This area starts to reveal itself as the volume on either side of the chin starts to get hollow. As a result, the chin appears more prominent. Correcting this area is very simple. One must fill the hollows on either side of the chin. This will correct the ‘pre-jowl sulcus’ as well as the appearance of a witchy chin. While using the patented ArqueDerma® technique, your clinician can utilize your ‘jowl’ to fill in the area of hollow on the sides of your chin. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods. Also ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of the dermal filler product such as JUVÉDERM® by 40%. The price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs. See for more details.

Neck Wattle

Also referred to as 'turkey neck', this condition results as the muscle, as well as the glands underneath the neck strengthen and enlarges the entire area. Treatment for this area begins with neuromodulator use such as Botox® or Dysport®. This exclusive use for Botox was created at the InjectAbility® Clinic by Leslie Fletcher, NP-BC.Cost will vary depending on the amount of units, but a range could start at $300 and go up to $900 depending on the severity and the expectation of desired slimming. Results last roughly 4 months.

If you desire something more permanent, or your fullness is caused more from adipose tissue than muscle, we can use an injectable lypolytic called Kybella®. This drug, from the makers of Botox, permanently destroys the fat cells above the muscle.


Additionally, CoolSculpting is available as a non-invasive treatment to help reduce the fat cells in the area. This procedure uses controlled cooling to target and eliminate fat cells, providing a non-surgical option for fat reduction.

Forehead Wrinkles

The best approach for any upper face wrinkle of motion, like forehead wrinkles, is a Neuromodulator, or muscle relaxants such as Botox® or Dysport®. These muscle relaxants help soften the facial expressions that create the wrinkles. Depending on your age, Botox® can either prevent wrinkles from forming or help them from getting worse. The cost varies from patient to patient, but you can typically expect to spend anywhere from $100-200 in this area. Results last approximately three to four months.

Temporal Hollows

These areas of indentation usually start to make their appearance around the 4th or 5th decade. As you run your fingers down the forehead toward the cheek, you might feel an indentation. This area is referred to as the "temporal hollow". It can give a more aging appearance representing an unhealthy, skeletal frame. This can be easily addressed by placing dermal fillers such Sculptra® or Voluma® along with Plasma Rich Protein (PRP) in the areas of hollowness. Not only can it fill in the hollows, but by filling, it has a secondary benefit of lifting up the laxity of the brows and lids.

This area of the face is generally immobile; so the product placed there tends to last longer, sometimes up to several years making it a great investment. Cost for this area ranges but anywhere from $850-$2,000 can be expected.

Flattened Brows

As we age, we lose bone prominence around the eyes. Without that support holding up the tissue, the brows tend to descend downward, leaving a sad, tired look around the brows. We use a multiple modality approach with this problem, combining a neuromodulator like Botox® to relax the brow depressors and dermal fillers to support the tissue around the temples and recreate the volume to the area as well as  the bone that has been lost around the orbital rim. The cost will vary from patient to patient, but this combination approach can last up to 12 months.

Crow’s Feet

Named for the splayed-out feet of a crow, these wrinkles form as a result of squinting or smiling. By treating these wrinkles with a muscle relaxant such as Dysport® or Botox®, the appearance of these wrinkles becomes less noticeable, yet you will still be able to smile. We most often combine traditional injection techniques along with our trademarked MicroTox® technique to lift the lids, chase the crow’s all the way down the cheek, open up the eye, and smoothen the crepey under the eye skin.

Prices vary from patient to patient, but the approximate cost is $250- $300. The results of this rejuvenating treatment generally last 3-4 months.

Frown Lines

The 'elevens', as they are sometimes referred to, are easy to fix with a neuromodulator such as Botox® or Dysport®. The muscle relaxer specifically relaxes the muscles that create the negative expression that sometimes send an 'angry' or 'unpleasant' signal towards others. The cost will vary from patient to patient, but a range of $230.00-$350.00 is average. The results of the Botox® generally lasts 3-4 months.

Lid Laxity

Coupled with skin laxity and a loss of bone prominence around the eyes, we often see the skin ‘hang around’ the eyes leaving a sad, tired, drawn down look. We use a multiple modality approach with this problem, combining a muscle relaxer like Botox® to elevate the brows and dermal fillers to recreate the bone that has been lost. Prices vary from patient to patient. This combination approach can last up to 12 months.

Sun Spots

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is another effective treatment we can use to help lighten or fade sunspots. This non-invasive procedure targets pigmented areas with light energy, helping to reduce the appearance of sun damage and improve overall skin tone.

Under Eye Hollows

As the skin structure weakens with time, the eyes tend to show aging the most. Sometimes age shows up as wrinkles, and sometimes age will show up as 'puffiness', or even 'sunkenness" under the eyes. Either way, clinicians just need some creativity and innovation to minimize the appearance of aging eyes. When carefully placed, a naturally occurring hyaluronic acid, such as Volbella®, Voluma®, or Restylane® can be placed adjacent to the bag, into the hollow or ‘trough' to ease the transition between the elevation of the bag, and the depression of the hollow. Occasionally, we will combine a little Botox in the area to soften the skin. This treatment makes an incredible difference and benefits you with a healthy and well-rested appearance. Prices vary from patient to patient, but the approximate cost is $1800 which includes both the ’tear troughs’ and the 'tear trough support’  This favorite treatment at our InjectAbility® Clinic can last from 12 months up to 24 months, depending on the patient.

Bunny Lines

Really cute on bunnies, kind of cute on kids, not so cute on mature women. "Bunny lines", or “wolf lines” as shown here are lines that form as a result of many different muscles coming together to create a "scrunching" on the nose. Over time, those lines become etched in permanently and are nearly impossible to treat; so we recommend Botox® prevention before this happens. There is an easy fix, however with just a few units of Botox®. The cost varies from patient to patient but an approximate cost is $150.00. The results of the Botox® in this area generally last 3-4 months.

Flattened Cheeks

Even the fat pads in our face change as we age. When the cheek fat pad starts to separate into two, the lower half falls forward creating a line of separation on the cheek. The cheeks look flatter, and less prominent. Leslie Fletcher’s patented ArqueDerma® technique of injecting FDA approved dermal fillers, is the only solution for this problem. Using strategic, artistic strokes, ArqueDerma® practitioners are able to redistribute the volume that has slipped forward and put it back into the mid-face where it belongs. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods. Also ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of the dermal filler product such as JUVÉDERM® by 40%. Price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs. See for more details.

Cheek Hollows

When the cheek fat pad starts to separate into two, the lower half falls forward creating a line of separation on the cheek. The cheeks look flatter, and less prominent. Leslie Fletcher’s patented ArqueDerma® technique of injecting FDA approved dermal fillers, is the only solution for this problem. Using strategic, artistic strokes, ArqueDerma® practitioners are able to redistribute the volume that has slipped forward and put it back into the mid-face where it belongs. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods.Also ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of the dermal filler product such as JUVEDERM® by 40%. Price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs. See for more details.


As the skin loses its underlying support of bone, and fat, it continues to slide down until it reaches its final resting point on the jaw, becoming known as the infamous 'jowls'. The ArqueDerma® technique of injecting FDA-approved dermal fillers is the only non-surgical solution for this age-old problem. Using Leslie's patented artistic vectors, your practitioner can redistribute the volume that has descended and put it back up into the mid-face, or the medial chin the area where it originated. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods. Also, ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of dermal filler products such as Juvederm® by 40%. The price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs.

Neck Laxity

The skin on the neck area tends to age quicker, because not only is it thinner, like the skin around the eye, but also we rarely take care of our neck when we are younger. Treatment for this consists of neuromodulator use such as Botox® or Dysport®, as well as medical grade skin care such as ZO® Skin Health, and our trademarked treatment, the PRPcocktail® which can offer a longer duration of tightening and a  "lift".

Nose to Mouth Folds

Even the fat pads in our face change as we age. When the cheek fat pad starts to separate into two, the lower half falls forward creating a line of separation on the cheek. The cheeks look flatter, and less prominent. Leslie Fletcher’s patented ArqueDerma® technique of injecting FDA approved dermal fillers is the only solution for this problem. Using strategic, artistic strokes, ArqueDerma® practitioners are able to redistribute the volume that has slipped forward and put it back into the mid-face where it belongs. The results of this technique have been proven to last longer than conventional methods. Also ArqueDerma® effectively extends the use of the dermal filler product such as JUVÉDERM® by 40%. The price for this technique varies from patient to patient, depending on how many syringes the patient needs. See for more details.